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Genopets is Pioneering the Move-to-Earn NFT Gaming Sector

Ryan Cowdrey
2 min read
Genopets is Pioneering the Move-to-Earn NFT Gaming Sector

Wait around long enough and someone will introduce an NFT concept that reminds you why this space is so exciting. About a month ago, we were blown away by a project called Genopets that was pioneering the Move-to-Earn gaming concept. It was the first NFT project we’d ever heard of to integrate Apple Health and Google Fit data into a game.

Genopets is challenging the Play-to-Earn model that has become so popular thanks to Axie Infinity. What’s fascinating is that you are essentially “playing” Genopets every time you get up to go for a walk, head over to the gym, or decide to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

In essence, their game revolves not around being “good at playing games”, but rather “good at making healthy choices”. And that’s a mechanism that has a much wider appeal to the general market.

After featuring them on the NFT QT blog, the team reached out to say thanks for the nice write-up. One thing led to another and we got one of their founders, Jay Chang, to join us on this week’s episode of the NFT QT Show.

If you read the last feature of them and were intrigued, then you’ll want to tune into the episode below because our conversation went deep!

Throughout the episode, we discuss topics such as:

  • An introduction to Move-to-Earn NFT gaming
  • How Move-to-Earn economics can continue to pay people over time
  • A day-in-the-life of a Genopet
  • How Genopets will inspire the Future of Wearables
  • Will Apple, Fitbit, Peloton, or Google copy the Genopets model?

If I were a betting man (oh wait, I am), then I’d place a major wager on Genopets to be the next big thing in NFT Gaming… and maybe even bigger than Axie Infinity. Genopets are universally accessible. They learned from the mistakes of the entire Play-to-Earn sector and improved upon the model. And it’s a really solid team behind the project.

This is a project you’ll want to know about before your peers.

We hope you’ll find the time to tune in to this week’s episode!
